
With the passing of Apostle C. A Ogunyemi, the body of Christ and the world have lost a great and true servant of God. For more decades he taught the word of God with great understanding.

“I know of no man who has more completely dedicated his time, talents, and interests to the work and ministry of our Lord. He has been a sterling example of love for his fellowmen and our Lord, Jesus Christ.

“As a great Christian leader, deeply beloved by millions of our Father’s children, he will be greatly missed by all of us.

“May God bless and keep ever alive the memory of his devoted life of faith and service.”

Baba CA

I can never forget in a hurry your exploit of faith. A true prophet t the core and no nonsense father you are. Am always looking forward to return to our assembly from campus to taste of the diversities and spiritual atmosphere of our assembly. Thanks for being a wonderful father and living legacy for my dear bro and friend BabaAyo, Big brother Segun and the siblings. You love for the youth is unqualified, you watch us keenly to make sure our gift and calling is sharpened. Rest on Baba in the bossom of your maker till we need and part no more.


Your son in the Lord

Olomola Oluseun Phop


The world has lost a legend of faith and heaven has gained a Saint.

Rest on Baba C.A, we love ❤ you but Christ loves you more. See you in the morning.



Grandpa, thank you. You left a great landmark for us by giving us a kind of my father, Pastor Femi Olusegun Ogunyemi. Thanks a million for the spiritual drillings, trainings and commitment. I will value you till eternity.

Sleep well Sir.

Your Grandson,

Judah Femi-Ogunyemi


Hmmm. A great man and servant of the most high have gone, Father of millions children’ I could remember two thousand and one God use him to deliver me from sickness that wanted to take my life he pray for me and i received my healing immediately what al loving father he is , rest on Dad till we path no more

Your daughter.

Akanbi Idowu Adeyemi

What much can I say about you Dad. Your life history showed me how God can inhabit a mortal man and execute His purposes through him. You were an embodiment of divine gift. Your troubles were like that of Jacob’s experience to me that resulted into sonship. Your enthronement at different times of life were the manifestation of the God that cascaded into you, turning you inside out for His glory. What much can I say again, in our several disagreements we agreed on one principle that everything points back to God. That whatever thing that is not of God it’s not worth having.

Thank you for your enduring labour in the vineyard of your Master, our Master – Lord Jesus.

Keep resting Baba.

 Your Son,

Olusegun ‘Femi Ogunyemi


I celebrate you Baba C.A., a great soldier of our Lord Jesus Christ. An Honorable servant of the Most High. A true Apostle of Grace, intensely dedicated, passionately committed and totally devoted to the course of the gospel.

Baba was a man of integrity. Very strict but loving. (Baba no nonsense). Baba was an influence to many lives.

Thank you for obeying God Sir. Going all the way not caring about anything but God alone.

Most of all, I appreciate you greatly for raising the Legend that I married – Pastor Femi Olusegun Ogunyemi.

Words are truly not enough to tell about your impact and love for your family.

Till we see again at the Lord’s feet


Fisayo Femi-Ogunyemi

Daughter In Love.