
He was particularly remarkable in his spiritual discernment. The gift of the Word of Knowledge was in operation in his life on a consistent basis. He often knew what was in people’s hearts before they mentioned it, and once likened the experience to watching a video clip.

In the beginning…

Cornelius Ajayi Ogunyemi was born into the family of Pa Samuel and Ma Dorcas Ogunyemi at Ilesha on the 16th of August 1933. He was the second of three children. Before he was conceived, his parents had lost a number of their children shortly after birth, and so they made a vow to God that if their subsequent child was a male and survived, they would dedicate him to God’s service for the rest of his life. Their prayer was soon answered with the birth of a baby boy they named Cornelius.

 He started his primary education in 1939 at The Apostolic Church Demonstration School, Oke Oye, Ilesha, and had completed standard six by 1947. Around this time, his parents told him that he was a child of promise and that he had been dedicated to God’s service before he was born.

A changed direction…

In his mid-teens, he was handed over to a leader in The Apostolic Church in Ilesha—like Samuel was handed over to Eli in the templeto start the work of the ministry. As he told the story in later years, he tried escaping from the mission several times without success, including acting in ways that could get him expelled, which did not work either. Then one fateful day, he came to the realization that he was stuck with the calling, and he yielded his life to God. He then made a covenant to serve Him for the rest of his life, with the condition that God would in turn bless him with all the good things of life.   

From this point on, all his educational pursuits would be along the lines of theological training. In the early 1950s, he enrolled as part of the second set of The Apostolic Church Bible College in Ilesa under the leadership of Pastor Sydney Elton, a missionary from the United Kingdom, and graduated after two years. Later, in 1969, he went to Wales to study theology at The Apostolic Church Bible College, Penygroes, and graduated with a Diploma in Theology. 

  Cornelius Ogunyemi’s active ministry spanned over 60 years. He began his ministerial work in a little community on the outskirts of Ilesha, and afterwards worked in the old Bendel State, preaching and establishing churches in Benin, Warri, Igara, Opila, Agenebode, and several other towns and villages. He would later work in Akure, Lagos, Makurdi, and Kaduna, where he retired. Overall, he served in over 20 stations across the country.

 Throughout his career, his primary ministry thrust was building God’s people up spiritually. Also, he was always looking out for the welfare of God’s people spiritually, physically, and financially. He was a workaholic and was always about His Master’s business. The fruits of his labour – spiritual and physical – are doing exploits all over the world today.

Life encounters…

He was a unique gift to the body of Christ.  He was a pastor par excellence and a skilful teacher of God’s word. He was a leader with vision and foresight. His superiors were always confident about his ability to get the job done wherever he was sent to. As such he was often given some of the most difficult assignments; and he always delivered. He was also a dogged evangelist, always organising revival meetings wherever he was posted to.

 His prophetic ministry was outstanding, and it singled him out among his contemporaries. There are so many examples of his remarkable accuracy in the prophetic ministry. There were many days when people would start arriving at his residence from as early as six in the morning, seeking divine guidance and counselling. He was so selfless that he would sometimes continue attending to them till evening without having any meal.

 Even though so many people were touched by his prophetic gift, including many who were wealthy and highly placed in society, he never took advantage of God’s people or make merchandise of the prophetic grace. He would often tell those who wanted to bless him with gifts and money to give it to support God’s work, particularly church projects.  

 He was a very charismatic leader, and he had a remarkable administrative gift. These, coupled with a strong work ethic, made him stand out as a giant in his generation. There was always an aura of authority around him. 

He never wavered in the face of opposition. Once he was certain that his goals were aligned with God’s will, he would march on, irrespective of whether he had the support of the minority or the majority of the people. This mindset made him succeed where others failed.  

He encountered countless trials, troubles, and persecution in his personal life and in the work of the ministry, but he remained undaunted through it all. He never lost his joy and confidence in God despite the many trials and tribulations he encountered.

 A major key to his unusual courage, outstanding results, and spiritual breakthroughs was his prayer life. He would usually wake up early in the day to seek God with the whole of his heart. He mastered the art of prayer and fasting and was a firm believer in the power of God. This gave him a lot of confidence in dealing with challenges in life and confronting the powers of darkness wherever he was sent to. 

He was always in tune with the Holy Spirit and several spiritual gifts – including the word of wisdom, interpretation of tongues, healing, faith, and working of miracles – were demonstrated regularly in his ministry. He was particularly remarkable in his spiritual discernment. The gift of the Word of Knowledge was in operation in his life on a consistent basis. He often knew what was in people’s hearts before they mentioned it, and once likened the experience to watching a video clip.

Blessed with a wonderful helpmeet in the person of late Deaconess Juliana Olufunmilayo Ogunyemi, nee Fapohunda, a God-fearing woman and courageous educator. They got married on the 3rd of January 1961.

  She was a pillar behind Cornelius Ogunyemi throughout their marriage. She went with him to all the mission fields he was transferred to, helping to build and raise women of prayer and purpose. She was always encouraging women to engage in continuous learning and to be supportive of their husbands and children.  

  He was a family-oriented man to the core: always loving, caring, and working tirelessly to provide for his household. He always quoted the scripture that said whoever does not provide for his household is worse than an infidel.   

If any of the children got sick, he would keep watch round the clock, checking on them constantly throughout the night to monitor their temperature and pray. He would also take them to the hospital if that was necessary. This kindness was extended to his sisters and their children. He was always looking out for their welfare and supporting them as much as he could.

In his early seventies, he was transferred to the northern part of Nigeria – a task which could be considered very demanding for his age – but the missionary in him gladly accepted the challenge. However, the years of travelling the length and breadth of the country preaching and planting churches in villages, towns, and cities had taken its toll and he could not carry on for much longer. He became very ill when he was seventy-six and never recovered until his passing on 28 October 2021. His most frequently uttered word during this long illness was, “Amen”.

Till the very end, Pastor C. A., as he was fondly called, was a lover of God and a completely yielded vessel. He served God and his generation with the whole of his heart, soul and might. He will be fondly remembered by everyone who knew him.

He is survived by all his children and grandchildren.

You will live on in our hearts, Cornelius Ajayi Ogunyemi.
